There are two types of critics: those who wish to help you improve and those who wish to discourage you from improving. It’s difficult to generalize about the former: these generous critics may or may not have not have experienced the trial-and-error process necessary to achieve success.
The latter, however – the cynical, petty critics – have little or no personal experience with success or, for that matter, even failure. If they did, they’d know that criticism – even unfair criticism – has no discernible effect on those who see failure as a speed bump and nothing more.
Those who criticize in order to discourage are engaged in projection: why else do they do so unless criticism had a discouraging effect on them?
So don’t waste time wondering if criticism comes from “a good place”: the critic knows where it comes from and all that matters. Your job is to be thankful that you even merited their attention, indifference being the cruelest criticism of all.
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The dreaded “You did great, -but -…”. Arrgh! I guess it depends on whether the critic is a mentor or a menace, doesn’t it?