Here’s a phrase I’d like to see quietly go away: “At this juncture”. What was wrong with “now” or even “right now”? I realize there’s a point to be emphasized. Fine, emphasize it. But who do you think you’re fooling with “at this juncture”? What – do you work for the State Department or something? Do you make policy? It’s not as if you don’t wear glasses: if you wish to lend some gravitas (whatever that means) to your point why not simply remove them dramatically when you get to the good part so that I may more-fully be awed by the full weight of your argument and, by extension, of you?
David Deeble
Making The Impossible Seem Extremely Difficult

“At this juncture” actually refers to the joining of two or more ideas. To say “Now” or “Right Now” may not effectively communicate what was happening at that point other than to say; what ever it was was happening at that point in time. “At This Juncture” simply refers to the “whatever it was” that resulted in several ideas converging to create, possibly, a new idea.
Of course, at this juncture, how many people actually use the term “at this juncture” may be a a point for serious discussion.
David, you may be throwing out the baby with the bathwater. I just saw Les miserable, and they did NOT use the phrase (possibly because of your disdain for it) when it would have been approproate. Jean val jean is carrying the shot lover of his adopted daughter through the sewers of Paris, and he asked Borat How to get out, instead of saying, “at this juncture (there were at an intersection of sewer pipes) which way should i go”, he said “how do I get out of here”. I thought it ruined the movie.