A comedian, writer, magician, juggler and emcee all wrapped into one, David Deeble is the mouthwatering burrito of the corporate entertainment world.
David Deeble the stand-up comedian doesn’t just perform a monologue for audiences, he establishes a dialogue with them. Developing an immediate rapport with a seamless blend of easygoing charm and contagious goofiness, David makes people laugh about virtually everything under the sun. Whether it’s life’s little annoyances (airport security, pop-up windows, New York City) or the roller coaster that is family life, three currents run through it all: his natural likability, command of the audience and laugh-out-loud material.
David Deeble the writer is an unabashed comedic hired gun. The CEO of your company or corporation the world’s worst golfer? David makes this hilarious. Your industry is going through a rough patch? David finds the humor in it. Married to the same person for 50 years? Well, there’s only so much he can do. David’s “Unnatural Act” gets people talking by getting them laughing – and it can be about virtually anything.
David Deeble is the world’s worst magician – and audiences like it that way.
David Deeble knew from an early age that he would never be the world’s greatest juggler, so he set his goal even higher: to become the funniest. Throwing cherries onto toothpicks and tradition out the window, David’s entertaining and sometimes-bizarre skills are always accompanied by his wry commentary and self-deprecating humor.
David’s hilarious asides, natural stage presence and “make-others-look-good” philosophy make him a popular corporate-event host or emcee.